Copenhagen Business School
Københavns Universitet
Aarhus Universitet
Syddansk Universitet
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Aalborg Universitet
Roskilde Universitet
Kvote 2 - Optagelsesprøve
Course description:
This ASPIRI course in Statistics is designed exclusively for the IB programme and places a strict focus on your ability to solve the types of questions most likely to appear on the exam.
Broadly speaking, the course covers problems within:
Our main focus is on your ability to identify the appropriate tools needed to solve a specific question on the exam. However, we will also emphasize your ability to explain relevant issues of Regression Analysis and ANOVA.
Videos on AspiriPlay
Watch the videos where you want, when you want, and as many times as you want.
Ask questions
Ongoing interaction with the teacher on AspiriPlay.
Download course material
Extensive course material targeted at your exam.
Practical information
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