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2000 Fredriksberg

BSC BLC/CBS - 1st year season pass

ASPIRI offers this package for the following courses. It is an unique opportunity to sign up for the courses now and save money. 

Please note, the offer ends when the first course is held or if a course is sold out. 

Payment by installments
You can choose to pay the full price for the discount package in one payment or you can choose to pay by installments. In this manner you only need to pay a small part of the discount package now and still get all the benefits.

Please take into consideration that the longer you wait to sign up for a semester- or full year package, the greater the initial payment will be. The total package price is the same regardless whether you sign up now or later during your semester. 

By the purchase of the discount package, you still have the option to swap course times, if another course in the category suits you better. This can be done through your personal ASPIRI-profile. 

Please choose among the courses below which suits you the best.

TEORI - Det store teorikursus i Mikroøkonomi
Vælg venligst et produkt herunder.
Dette kursus tager dig på en overskuelig og eksamensrelevant måde igennem hele pensum i Mikroøkonomi.

Videopakke på AspiriPlay

Se alle videoer hvor du vil, hvornår du vil, og ligeså mange gange du vil.

Svar på spørgsmål

Løbende interaktion med underviseren på AspiriPlay.


Gennemgangen suppleres af øvelser/opgave-eksempler.


Kurset er åbent!

Tilmeld dig og kom i gang nu

Underviser: Stephan van Rensburg
EXAM COURSE - Ready for the written exam in Microeconomics
Vælg venligst et produkt herunder.
The full online exam course targeted your study and your written exam in Microeconomics.

Videos on AspiriPlay

Watch the videos where you want, when you want, and as many times as you want

Ask questions

Ongoing interaction with the teacher on AspiriPlay.

Download course material

Extensive course material targeted at your exam.


Practical information

Adgang åbner: 15-11-2024
Underviser: Michael Andersen
EKSAMEN - Det store eksamenskursus i Quantitative Business Research
Vælg venligst et produkt herunder.
Dette kursus gennemgår de eksamensopgavetyper, som du kan møde til eksamen i Quantitative Business Research.

Videopakke på AspiriPlay

Se alle videoer hvor du vil, hvornår du vil, og ligeså mange gange du vil.

Svar på spørgsmål

Løbende interaktion med underviseren på AspiriPlay.

Download kursusmateriale

Omfattende kursusmateriale målrettet din eksamen.


Praktisk information

Adgang åbner: 02-05-2025
Underviser: Niels Christian Jørgensen
Pakkepris 1.800,-
Ved køb separat op til 1.997,-